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Friday, June 14th 2024

My Programming Journey

Throughout my career, I have developed a diverse and robust skill set in multiple programming languages, which has enabled me to tackle a wide array of development challenges. Here's a look at my journey and the languages I have mastered along the way.

My Programming Journey

Throughout my career, I have developed a diverse and robust skill set in multiple programming languages, which has enabled me to tackle a wide array of development challenges. Here's a look at my journey and the languages I have mastered along the way.


Java was a key part of my formal education in computer science. Learning Java during my university studies taught me the principles of object-oriented programming and gave me the skills to develop robust and scalable applications. I have used Java in various contexts, from building enterprise-level applications to developing Android apps.


My journey into web development began with HTML, the cornerstone of web pages. Learning HTML gave me a foundational understanding of how websites are structured, allowing me to create well-organized and semantically rich web content. This early experience laid the groundwork for everything that followed.


To complement my HTML skills, I delved into CSS. Mastering CSS enabled me to style web pages with precision, bringing my designs to life with engaging layouts and visually appealing elements. This knowledge was crucial for creating user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing websites.


JavaScript was a game-changer in my programming journey. It allowed me to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages, making them more engaging and functional. I honed my skills in JavaScript through various projects, learning to manipulate the DOM, handle events, and create complex applications.


To further enhance my JavaScript skills, I adopted TypeScript. This powerful language introduced me to static typing, which improved the reliability and maintainability of my code. TypeScript has been invaluable in building large-scale applications with greater ease and confidence.


My interest in backend development led me to Python. Its simplicity and readability make it an excellent choice for server-side programming. I have used Python to build web applications, automate tasks, and analyze data, appreciating its versatility and strong community support.


To understand some of the concepts abstracted in modern programming languages, I studied C++ through the "Programming in C++: A Hands-on Introduction Specialization" Certification. This experience deepened my understanding of low-level programming concepts such as memory management, pointers, and performance optimization, which are essential skills for systems programming and game development.

Meta Certified Back-End Developer

To solidify my expertise in backend development, I pursued and achieved the Meta Back-End Developer Certification. This certification validated my skills and knowledge in building efficient, scalable, and secure backend systems. It was a significant milestone that enhanced my credibility and opened up new opportunities in the industry.


Each language I have learned has contributed uniquely to my development expertise, equipping me with the skills necessary to build comprehensive and efficient solutions. Whether working on frontend designs, backend systems, or full-stack applications, my diverse language proficiency allows me to adapt and excel in various programming environments.

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Jethro Au

Software Engineer

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